SWERA Training day


Date: Saturday 23 July 2022
Visibility: Everyone
Duration: 8 h
Participants: @RichM, MCR, GCRG, SARA, AASCRT, SECRO, MCRO
Loves: @AdamEvans


First joint training day to learn intra operable capabilities and network between teams
Comment by @RichM on Sunday 31 July 2022
Great venue in the disused Livox quarry which offered mixed terrain including cliff, rough ground and a lake. First class catering provided by Rapid Relief Charity.
Bases included water rescue from land, cliff scaling using a ladder from a boat, team building challenges, rope rescue casualty care, cave rescue (pff site Piccadilly cave) hauling up 3 pitches using Larkin frame and Z rigs.
Very effective networking and interaction between teams

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